CSA Week 1: What's In The Box?

There's a farmer's market that gathers right on campus every week in the summer, and my Mister and I have loved shopping the local produce. This summer we're going a step further and joining a CSA

Community-supported agriculture is something I've never heard about before, but the system is pretty straightforward: you pay in to help support a farming community, and they share of their bounty by providing a weekly food box of delicious, seasonal, local produce!

This is our first box. We registered to receive both produce and meat, and every week we expect about 1/4 bushel of produce, a single portion of meat and half a dozen eggs. This week, as you can see, we made out quite nicely. We've got plenty of fruit in the form of peaches, a melon and blackberries -- yum! Also, we have potatoes, green beans, sweet corn and a variety of tomatoes. We also lucked out on the meat portion and got a whole roasting chicken, woo hoo!

Since this is our first week, I really don't have much more to tell you. But check back next week to find out how we used this box, and to see a sneak-peek of next week's harvest!

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